A field visit to Himgiri Permaculture farm was conducted on 3 June, Saturday. There were a total of 11 beneficiaries of 6th grade along with two staff members. The main objective of this field visit was to create awareness about how organisations promote a sustainable environment by providing an insight to organic farming practices. The proprietor guided us through the farm and made us familiar with different methods of organic farming. The farm had a huge space and abundance of different species of fruits and vegetables. There was a large area on the upper right corner of the farm dedicated only for strawberry farming in which the owner let all the children pick and eat the strawberries. All the beneficiaries were overjoyed as they could also experience harvesting the strawberries from the farm.
Overall it was a beautiful and knowledgeable experience for the beneficiaries as well as the staff. Amics del Nepal will keep taking our beneficiaries to different exhibitions, sports centres and historical places in order to provide exposure and community exchange through field visits.
This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: