About Us

Amics del Nepal is a NGDO (non profit Non-Governmental Development Organization), born in 1995 with the main objective of helping and supporting the most underpriviledged communities of Nepal.

The Association is currently governed by the last update of the statute book (agreed in the General Meeting organized to do so in July 7th of 2008 and registered in the National Register of Associations at the Grup 1 / Section 1 / 592021, and in the Register of Associations of Generalitat de Catalunya with the number 17327, 1st section of the Register of Barcelona.

The strategies of cooperation are focused on the support programmes for youth, children and women, directly or in collaboration with nepalese organizations., working on the fields of education, health and livelihood.

Amics del Nepal also has the goal of divulging to our society the nepalese cultural and social reality through awareness campaigns.

Who is in Amics del Nepal?

Amics del Nepal counts with the support of a social network of more than 300 members, who are the base of the association. Members contribute with a minimum of 5€ per month and can not only organize and participate in the events of Amics del Nepal, but also have vote to choose the Board Members and approve the budget every year on the Amics del Nepal Assembly usually around June.

On top of the contributions of the members, Amics del Nepal receives sporadic donations from particulars or companies, in addition to the help for specific projects coming from public entities, private foundations and professional colleges.

The work team of Amics del Nepal in Barcelona is made only of volunteers from different professional and academic backgrounds.

Executive Board

President: Mireia Crosa

Vice-President: Jordi Giral

Secretary: Enric Recoder

Treasurer: Judith Manzanal

Spokesperson: Cristina Morales, Ramon Coderch, Anna Brunet, Patricia Morales and Daniel Roig

Management Team

Coordination, Administration & Legal
Head: Mireia Crosa
Team: Jordi Giral, Judith Manzanal & Enric Recoder

Accounts & Database
Head: Judith Manzanal
Team: Ramon Coderch, Jordi Martínez & Anna Carreras

Head: Ingrid Buera
Team: Anna Carreras, Patricia Morales, Ana Albajez, Enric Recoder & Mireia Crosa

Head: Isabel Valero
Team: Cristina Morales, Anna Carreras, Mireia Masó, Marina Viñas, Anna Brunet, Elisabet Pous & Maria Eugènia Aleix

Sponsorships & Grants
Head: Jordi Giral
Team: Mireia Crosa, Àlex Torralba, Judith Manzanal & Cristina Morales

Program Coordination
Head: Daniel Roig
Team: Anna Brunet

Head: Patricia Morales
Team: Enric Recoder

Who is Children’s Home?

The Nepalese NGO Children’s Home is the counterpart of Amics del Nepal in Nepal. This means that Children’s Home is the Nepalese organization executing or supervising all the cooperation projects suported by Amics del Nepal.

Personnel of Children's Home at the Kathmandú Activity Centre

Kavita Gurung: Program Director
Rohit Gurung: Activity Centre Coordinator
Pramod Giri: Finance Coordinator
Rojan Thing: Media & Communications Officer
Kristina Bhandari: Finance Intern
Kritan Bhudathoki: Finance Intern
Sarada Chitrakar: Office Helper

Expansion Program
Kavita Gurung: Expansion Program Lead
Asmi Bastakoti: Expansion Program Coordinator
Kristina Bhandari: Expansion Program Officer
Alisha Magar: Expansion Program Intern

Youth Program
Rohit Gurung: Youth Program Coordinator
Tasmina Chaudhary: Youth Program Officer
Kritan Bhudathoki: Youth Program Intern

Children Program
Pramod Giri: Children Program Coordinator
Dipshana Dangol: Children Program Officer
Radhakrishna Magar: Children Program Intern
Sanbis Bishwokarma: Children Program Intern

Children Homes Program
Rohit Gurung: Children Homes Program Coordinator

The collaboration between Children’s Home and Amics del Nepal started in 1995 in the begining of Amics del Nepal work, supporting, from the first days the homes managed by Children’s Home, now both in Patan and Mahendranagar, among other projects.

When a child from Nepal smiles, it makes you feel something you have never felt before; you know for sure that from that instant on, you will want to stay close, in spite of the thousands of kilometers that you are apart… and you feel attached to that small but powerful country, land of extreme contrasts. On one hand, the highest peaks, on the other hand, the poverty levels sadly very high as well.

On 1995, a small group of Catalan families who had been so incredibly lucky, of turning orphaned or abandoned children of that extraordinary and ill-treated country into children of their own, joined together in order to do something more than helping individually.

In those times, political tensions were growing, the strength of the Maoist groups was increasing and eventually even came into power. Adoptions were closed, which was the only way shelters for orphaned or abandoned children had, in order to receive funds to carry on. Mr Uttar Tamata, current president of the Children’s Home, oldest counterpart of Amics del Nepal, who at that time was managing the small and rattletrap orphange in Kathamandu where majority of us first met our children, made a desperate call. Unless he received some resources, he had no chance of providing food and schooling for the twentyish children who were living at the Children’s Home.

And this is how we came together, and invited Mr Tamata to Barcelona. We organized an event at the Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona with families and friends. We discussed the extreme situation of the Centre and we met the children through the pictures Mr Tamata brought with him. And, sponsors came out for all the children. In addition, one of the grandmother’s made a personal commitment to build a house in the middle of a field in the remote area of Mahendranagar, which would serve as a new orphanage in order to provide shelter with better conditions to more abandoned children.

And from that moment onwards we began to work and start shaping the new Association of Amics del Nepal.

Cristina Morales