School Collaboration

In 2024, Amics del Nepal aims to expand its existing Children Program which has been in operation under the current framework since 2019 in the Activity Centre in Kathmandu. The Amics Children Program in summary is an after-school education program offered to students studying in the neighbouring government schools from grades 6-10, all of whom belong to disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Through the program, the students develop pertinent life-skills necessary for a fulfilling academic and personal life. The program adopts an experiential, project-based learning approach which encourages the beneficiaries to be more creative, develop leadership qualities as well as a deep sense of social responsibility. Through the School Collaboration project (SC), Amics aims to create a wider platform so that all the three participating government schools wherein our beneficiaries study, and an additional government school in Kathmandu can benefit from our tried, tested and well-appreciated Children Program. 

The direct beneficiaries of the workshops will be the participating students and respective teachers of the participating schools. While the workshops will be implemented on the students, the school teachers will act as collaborators and support the Amics team in running these workshops from design to implementation and evaluation. Hence, the School Collaboration project will take into account each key stakeholders’ role in the process, and will aim at not only increasing the number of beneficiaries, but also in creating a project model that encourages openness, transparency and ownership to promote sustainability. 

The School Collaboration project addresses the following goals of Amics del Nepal:

  • G1: Children have access to quality education
  • G2: Children develop skills that allow them to transition to further studies and livelihood
  • G5: Children are aware and able to maintain habits leading to healthy and loving lives
  • G8: External Stakeholders take ownership and meet all organisational goals of education, health and livelihood at different levels.

Based on the objectives of the organisation, the general objective of the School Collaboration project is defined as guaranteeing the rights to quality education to children from disadvantaged families through collaboration with the education community

The School Collaboration Plan is the next step to expanding the Children Program such that more learners and teachers alike can benefit from this learning experience. It also enables Amics del Nepal to break from working in silos and tap into the educational community thereby finding new models and solutions to collaborative learning.

The project takes into account SDG4 of Quality Education wherein through the initiation of new and wider platforms for creation and collaboration, it aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education thereby offering more opportunities for learning and growth to more student beneficiaries and teachers under the new expansion plan.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics de Nepal and the collaborating partners: