Project Based Learning (PBL) 6 beneficiaries visited Complete Dental Clinic on 16th June for their initial dental screening and some of them had a lot of built up cavities. So, they were scheduled for appointments for the coming days. All the beneficiaries visited the clinic and completed their check up on 7th August. The main objective of this dental check up was to promote the beneficiaries’ oral health from a young age.
After the dental check up, PBL 6 beneficiaries also visited Drishti Eye Care Centre for their initial eye check up on 8th July. The main objective of the check up was to inform the beneficiaries about eye health, and prevent any future blindness and visual impairment by supporting them with the necessary treatments.
We will be conducting eye and dental check ups every year and promote good eye and dental health among our children. Aligning with Amics’ health goal and SDG3 of living in a loving, caring and hygienic environment where they receive nutritional food and proper health care.
We would like to extend our thanks to the Complete Dental Clinic and Drishti Eye Care Centre for this collaboration.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: