Expansion Program Women Literacy (WLP)

Health Workshop in Bhimphedi

Amics del Nepal has always been conscious about the health of its beneficiaries. Women literacy project (WLP) not only focuses on literacy classes but also provides information and materials related to good health and hygiene practices. Women have been getting this kind of exposure along with the initiation of the literacy project . On 12th July, a health workshop was organised for the women literacy class group in Bhimphedi. The main objective of this workshop was to provide women with some basic information about environmental issues, especially waste management, environmental diseases, and the importance of a clean environment.
Environmental issues are increasing day by day of which women are completely unaware. So, it is necessary to have some basic knowledge about such a global problem. This workshop was very informative as they learned about waste management, environmental cleanliness, and the impacts of the environment on human health. There were a total of 16 participants along with 2 staff members. At the end of the workshop, they were provided with a set of hygiene packs. Women were delighted to share their knowledge and learn about the new topic during the health workshop.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: