Children Program Experiential Learning (EL)

Academic year 23/24 Experiential Learning Started

The Amics Experiential Learning (EL) session started on April 29 at the Activity Centre. We have a total of 17 students for the 23/24 session studying in grades eight, nine, and ten. Like last year, students will be exposed to four themed sessions throughout the year. The first session will be based on environment and sustainability where the students will learn to identify environmental problems and critically analyse to come up with sustainable solutions.

EL classes are run on Saturdays only, as the students are busy with their school activities throughout the week. The main aim of our EL project is to contribute to their learning and develop their life skills and values through active exploration of real world problems, direct experiences, and various fun learning activities. As we welcome the new students to the EL sessions, the students will be provided with a learning platform at the Amics Activity Centre where they will work individually or in groups with guidance from facilitators to meet the objectives. Field visits and guest speaker sessions will also be conducted in order to support and enhance their learning.

The theme of the first quarter is based on Environment & Sustainability and English preparation. The main objective of the new curriculum is to conduct activities based on English, Reading and Arts to help the students boost their creativity and critical thinking skills. Field visits and guest speaker sessions will be conducted in order to enable students mobilisation of knowledge exchange, social awareness and community engagement.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: