After SEE Course started on April 11 at the Activity Centre with a total of 15 youth for the 23/24 session. 5 youth successfully appeared in the SEE examination of 2023 and were promoted to Youth Program from the Children Program of Amics del Nepal. 3 youth from Bhimphedi Balmandir were able to join the After SEE course in the Activity Centre.And new enrollment of 6 youths have been done from two government schools; Siphal and Shram school. After SEE Course 2023 is based on the theme “Environment and Sustainability” where the youth will learn about different concepts of environment and are able to identify the environment problems.
The After SEE Course runs 5 days per week (Mondays to Fridays) from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm for 9 weeks. The main aim of the course is to contribute to youth learning and develop sustainable life skills of 5Cs. Field visits and guest speaker sessions will be conducted in order to support and enhance the learning process.
By the end of the session, youth will be able to critically analyze environmental problems and come up with sustainable solutions. One of the main outcomes of the After SEE Course is to conduct school workshops in 2 government schools with the students of class 6 on the topic waste management as a major environmental problem.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: