On the 20th of August, an educational workshop on the topic kindness was conducted in Patan Children’s Home. This workshop was specifically designed for students from grade 3 to 10. Kindness is an important interpersonal skill which involves choice, a choice to be better. The main objective of this workshop was to encourage young childrens to practise kindness towards themselves and others.
During the event, students were introduced to kindness through a short story followed by group activity and an individual activity. The students were divided into pairs and asked about creating a situation that they had experienced and how they would handle the situation with kindness. The students created beautiful drawings and some even expressed themselves through letters. All the students were participative and kind as they wrote their warm fuzzy messages to their partner.
The children were happy to take part in the workshop and Amics del Nepal will continue providing such activities and workshops in the future as well.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics de Nepal and the collaborating partners: