Sports activities have always been one of the ways to keep children active and healthy. Amics del Nepal has been organising various sports activities in different collaborating Children’s Homes in order to promote physical as well as mental health of the children.
On 8th January, sports event was conducted among the junior children and senior girls of Patan Children’s Home. There were around 40 participants in the event. The main objective of this event was to promote physical fitness and wellness as well as to encourage children in sports activities. All these activities were conducted and carried out with the support from Amics interns and senior girls from Patan Children’s Home. During the event, children were divided into four teams where they had to compete with one another in each activity. Junior group participated in games such as spoon and marble race, hot-potato, three-legged race, chocolate race, and bursting the balloon whereas the senior group participated in games like three-legged race, relay race, obstacle race, and sack race. Moreover, through these activities children learned to work as a team, become participative, competitive and more than that they learned to play respectfully. By the end of the event, the team with the highest score were provided a stationery package as a gift hamper. In addition, some sports materials were also provided to the children home according to their requirements and needs.
Thus, the children were very happy to receive and participate in the sports activities. The feeling of excitement and enthusiasm was seen in participants throughout the event. Amics del Nepal will continue providing activities and workshops for the children of Patan Children’s Home in the future.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics de Nepal and the collaborating partners: