They have already arrived: Sujan, Arjun, Kush and Love are already in Kathmandu prepared to start a new stage in their lives. After spending their childhood in Balmandir, in a small village of Bhimphedi, they have reached to the overwhelming capital of Nepal.
They will live for few months in two rooms we have rented near the Activity Center of Amics del Nepal, under the supervision one of our staff, Sarada Moktan. In this time, they will adjust to the city, they will meet new friends, they will find their first job and decide what to do and study next.
They partake to the 2 months Explore Course of the Youth Program. There they will work on their interests to be able to choose their higher education. It is the beginning of this new trip! It will not be easy, but any trip has its difficulties and adventures; and with the support of the whole family of Amics del Nepal, they will be able to continue studying and have more opportunities in the nexts years.