The orientation to the Women Hub Project was conducted on 6th July 2024 to introduce women to the project and Amics del Nepal. Women Hub Project aims to uplift women from marginalized and underprivileged socio-economic backgrounds. The ultimate goal of the project is to empower women by providing them with the necessary skills, resources, and support to improve their socio-economic status. 10 women beneficiaries who were selected based on a comprehensive questionnaire survey, attended the event.
The orientation began with a warm welcome from Amics staff followed by a presentation about Amics del Nepal and Women Hub Project. The presentation highlighted the objectives and goals of both the organization and the project. The participants also discussed the project timeline and the organizations’ expectations from the beneficiaries. The session was interactive and engaging, creating a space for the selected beneficiaries to connect with one another and with the Amics staff.
The project will continuously support these women through various workshops and training sessions. Focusing on the agenda of “Open Innovations Platform” which relies on the key stakeholders to actively participate through all the major phases of the project, the project aims to equip the women beneficiaries with knowledge, practical skills and networks, towards becoming self-reliant and economically independent.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: