Social Week (SW)

Social Week11.C session starts

Social Week11.C session has started with the youth of class 11 on 9th January, 2023 based on the theme “Women’s Rights.” The main objective of the session is to orient the students on women’s rights, gender equality, and social responsibility. During the session, youth will be closely working with social organisations working for gender equality and women empowerment.

Throughout this session, youth will be exposed to the concepts of women rights, equality and equity, social responsibilities, and social enterprises through the steps of Project Based Learning (PBL). Exposure to women led social enterprises will be provided through field visits and organisation collaboration in order to understand women in business, and concepts of social entrepreneurship. Youth will be exposed to two different evaluation tools; PESTLE and SWOT analysis, in order to understand the opportunities and threats of women led businesses.

By the end of the session, youth will develop a sound understanding regarding existing social gender inequalities and the ways to eradicate the existing inequalities based on gender. The final event of the session will be conducted on 4th March at the Amics del Nepal Activity Centre to mark the International Women’s Day 2023 (8th March). The audience of the event will be the participants from the Women Literacy Project of Amics del Nepal along with the youth and children program beneficiaries.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: