The eight week long Amics del Nepal PBL (Project Based Learning) session marked its closing through an event on 25th February, Friday. Nine students from class 6 and 7 were the participants for this PBL English 6B preparatory classes.They were introduced with different topics on daily routine, polite words, kindness and compassion, and writing journals through learning videos, vocabulary practice and fun activities during these eight week classes.
The students were provided necessary learning mediums and were engaged in fun learning activities in order to develop and enhance their basic English levels. The objectives of these English classes were to improve the students’ ability to introduce themselves and their surroundings as well as to develop a reading habit in them. Their English vocabulary and pronunciation has slightly improved and they have been actively participating and engaging in all the activities conducted.During this final event, the students presented collages, poems, songs, and short journals on different topics which they had prepared during the classes. Staff, interns & Bhimphedi youth were the audience of the event.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics de Nepal and the collaborating partners: