Children Program Family Support

Children Program Family Support Meeting 2021/22

Amics del Nepal organised a family meeting for the children program beneficiaries on 11/12/2021.The main objective of the meeting was to create a common platform for the families to share and discuss issues related to their children, family and finances and how Amics could support them in the best possible ways. Besides that, Amics also conducted a health workshop on hygiene and an activity based workshop to enable families to understand the concept of empathy towards their children. 

Around 20 parents and guardians (mostly mothers) attended the meeting. They were welcomed with a short discussion about their children and the activities the children are partaking at the activity centre. After the discussion, a small workshop on health and hygiene was given followed by personal care hygiene pack distribution to each participant. Two short role play activities were conducted based on empathy which was interesting for the participants. The families were happy to receive the workshop and take away something new from it.

The workshop on empathy will be continued in the next meetings along with other new training and workshops in order to help the families develop a better understanding and create an environment inducive for their children’s overall benefit and growth. These meetings and workshops are organised quarterly at the Activity Centre.

El taller sobre empatia continuarà a les properes reunions juntament amb altres activitats i tallers nous per ajudar les famílies a desenvolupar una millor comprensió i crear un entorn propici per al benefici i creixement general dels seus fills/es. Aquestes reunions i tallers s’organitzen trimestralment al Centre d’Activitats.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics de Nepal and the collaborating partners: