On 12th of December a vegetable activity was conducted in Balmandir with the children. All the vegetables and fruits were formed in cartoon form to make the activity more interesting. Each of these fruits and vegetables characters said some sentences about their properties, their care, and their planting time.
The activity was divided into two phases. In the starting phase the children were provided different vegetables drawings in cartoon form to color or paint it. In this way, the children can learn the shape and color of each fruits and vegetables. The second phase of the activity was to place different phrases in the corresponding vegetable or fruit which relates its properties. The sentences were placed in “bubbles” and behind them, the correct fruit or vegetable number was added. Children had to grab two or three of these bubbles randomly, read what the phrase said and find the correct one which relates with the vegetables or fruits they have chosen and, finally hang it in its place.
Overall the activity was productivity and learnable to the children. The main objective of this activity was to make the children know what kind of fruits and vegetables are grown in the kitchen garden. It also wanted to motivate children and youth to provide support in the kitchen garden and to make them know that Namuna Bari itself is for Balmandir.
The Namuna Bari project is made possible by the support of Ateneu del Món and the City Council of Sant Quirze del Vallès