On 2nd Feb 2019, an art workshop was conducted in Bhimphedi Children’s Home where all the 29 children participated in different groups according to their age. For the younger group, the activity was to identify different shapes and to draw and colour pictures using those shapes whereas, for the elder ones, the activity was to make a natural collage which was assisted by the younger group in the final hour of designing the natural collages.
The main idea of the workshop was to introduce collage making to the senior children through which they could be creative and play with different materials from nature to build their collages. The children needed to work in groups and contribute in making the collages. Apart from that, once all the collages were made, they also needed to explain their collage’s process and its meaning to other children, staff and facilitators..
This activity-based learning event was conducted for 2.5 hours by the Kathmandu team supported by staff from the children’s home.
Based on the outcome of the day, we realise that we need more art and educational events here. Hence, we plan on conducting more similar events in the children’s home in the coming months considering their need for growth.
Bhimphedi Art Event