Women Literacy (WLP)

WOMEN LITERACY CLASSES (W1) till date has provided literacy to more than 1,600 women since 2005 when the project first started. It has been noted that all of these women come from lower socio-economic backgrounds, most of who are without any employment, and are dedicated to their families, their homes and to the work in the fields. This project has been developed in Mahendranagar – located in southwest Nepal as well as in the Activity Centre in Kathmandu. The literacy program in Mahendranagar has been stopped for now while in Kathmandu it is still running till date.

The project aims to develop basic literacy skills of women to make them self-motivated and self-reliant to find, understand and utilize the basic information necessary for improving their daily living. Also, the project develops strong awareness and ability to maintain good emotional and physical health of women for themselves and their families. Furthermore, the project also has plans to implement livelihood training through collaboration in the near future.

The project’s main objectives include:

To develop educational materials and resources in order to conduct women literacy classes in the Activity Center and to implement it through collaborations.

To make women develop literacy skills of i) high proficiency in Nepali, ii) basic proficiency in English and numeracy in a minimum of three districts.

To make the participating women self-motivated and self-reliant to find, understand and utilise the basic information necessary for improving daily living.

To ensure all women develop strong awareness and ability to maintain good emotional and physical health.

To design a women livelihood training in order to implement it through collaborations in a minimum of one district.

To enable women to develop relevant technical skills to pursue employment opportunities.

To ensure engagement with and establishment of strong relations with CBOs and relevant local authorities in implementing districts through partnerships in order to promote organisational goals of literacy and livelihood.

To see the last news on this program, click here!

This program is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics de Nepal and the collaborating partners: