Children Program Experiential Learning (EL)

EL visit to Dunkmandu & Sportswear Distribution

The Experiential Learning (EL) students from grades 8, 9, and 10 went on a sports field visit to Dunkmandu on September 9. The purpose of this visit was to give children an opportunity to engage in physical activities, aligning it with the fundamental child rights principle, the right to play. The students were also encouraged to play in teams as they actively participated in basketball and football matches. Before visiting Dunkmandu, Amics distributed sportswear to each Experiential Learning student for their comfort wear, enabling each student to enjoy the benefits of play. 

A total of 17 EL students went on a sports visit with Amics staff, and interns. Furthermore, the children were divided into three teams, promoting teamwork and collaboration which not only helped to enhance their physical health but also their social skills. Regardless of their sports skills, every child had an equal opportunity to have fun and enjoy the friendly match. It was also a thrilling experience for students to exhibit their sportsmanship while showing care and respect for each other. The EL students’ sports field visit to Dunkmandu was a success in terms of helping children exercise their right to play without any discrimination. Amics del Nepal also encourages children of Amics to live in a safe environment while having memorable and enriching experiences. The upcoming EL sessions will be about child rights directed towards the session’s final event. 

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: