Expansion Program Himalayan Economic Upliftment School Collaboration

Strengthening Community Engagement in Manang: Year-End Visit 2024

The year-end visit to Manang for 2024 was conducted in November by three Amics staff members with multiple objectives. The aim was to conduct a two-day Project-Based Learning (PBL) teacher training workshop at Shree Gauri Shankar Basic School, Timang following the School Collaboration (SC) project objectives; organise a two-day workshop with the Himalayan Economic Upliftment (HEU) women of Timang village to brainstorm challenges they face in daily life; and establish an overall voluntary monitoring committee to oversee to all project activities being carried out in Manang.

The two-day SC teacher training workshop aimed to introduce PBL, its components, and practical ways to integrate it into daily lesson plans. Ten teachers participated in the workshop as a result of which they presented a PBL lesson plan aligned with the curriculum. The training helped teachers grasp the concept of PBL and develop student-centered, participative lesson plans. Meanwhile, the two-day HEU women’s workshop focused on generating ideas for the Barcelona Mirga project, a collaborative effort between Amics Kathmandu and El Ciervo Theatre in Spain. Women participants shared the everyday challenges of living in rural Nepal which encouraged them to reflect on these difficulties at both individual and community levels, and to explore potential solutions. Furthermore, materials such as English books, storybooks, and notebooks were also distributed to the women beneficiaries and teachers to support their English classes.

Additionally, a voluntary monitoring committee was also formed, comprising representatives such as the president of the School Management Committee (SMC), the school principal, HEU women beneficiaries, ward members, local villagers, and the president of Mahila Samuha. This committee will oversee the effective implementation of projects in Manang.

This year-end visit was significant in setting the foundation for the projects planned for 2025. Through various need assessments and feasibility study visits conducted in 2024, Amics will now move towards launching projects under Himalayan Economic Upliftment  and School Collaboration in 2025, keeping in mind the objectives of educational support & collaboration, and livelihood development & capacity building in the Himalayan region of Manang.

This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: