The first quarter final event of PBL6 was conducted on July 11th at the Amics Activity Center with the presence of Amics staff and the beneficiaries’ parents. The theme of the first quarter was based on Environment and Sustainability. This event included ten PBL6 students, accompanied by eight beneficiaries’ parents, four staff members, and two volunteers.
The main objective of this event was to present what the students had learned and provide a platform to present their understandings from the first quarter which was based on the theme on environment and sustainability, in front of audiences, including their families and Amics’ staff.
The event was hosted by PBL6 students, and all the students contributed through recitations. Each student presented their work using chart papers on different topics related to the theme, such as environment, sustainability, waste, pollution, and the 3R’s. They also shared their experiences from field visits to Himgiri Permaculture Farm & Dunkmandu. The event was concluded with the melodious song “The 3 R’s” by Jack Johnson, sung by the students of PBL6.
The theme of the second quarter is English preparation on the topic of ‘Me and My Environment’ starting from the 24th July.
This project is possible thanks to the support of all the members of Amics del Nepal and the collaborating partners: