Bhimphedi CH


A year ago we started a 7.480 km journey, real distance between Barcelona and Bhimphedi. Our goal was to collect this amount in euros in order to renew the facilities of Balmandir Children’s Home. Even if we could not reach the total amount we could start making the first works. We first started preparing the house for winter and we got the hot water tank fixed as well as blankets and new mattresses. But we also could buy some tables for the dining room and new rice cooker.

After the rainy season that is just beginning we will repair the roofs to avoid leakage problems. Keeping a clean and healthy household for so many inhabitants is not an easy thing, but if everybody lends a hand it becomes easier.

Thanks to all of those who make possible that Bhimphedi Children’s Home is a welfare and well-being space for all the children who live there!